Read Time: 1 min 29 sec
Maintaining moisture in your hair is one of the most important factors when addressing your hair health and integrity. Top 3 tips for maintaining moisture in your hair:
- Nourish the hair to maintain a healthy cuticle layer
- Blow dry the right amount
- Use loose tension while curling, rather than squeezing the shape into it
Products that maintain moisture protect your hair’s integrity.

- Keep your cuticle layer healthy to lock in moisture and keep the hair strand strong. Pregame Shampoo is packed with proteins, and those proteins make your hair stronger by repairing the outer cuticle layer. Your scalp also produces natural oils to protect your hair. Finding the right shampoo and conditioner that cleanse your hair but are gentle enough to keep the benefits of your body’s natural nourishment is vital. One way this is done is through sulfate-free shampoos. When your hair maintains moisture your scalp produces less oil, and your hair will have less tendency to hang on to unnecessary water. As a result, your hair will be full of life, dry faster and have a healthy shine.

- Blow dry the right amount. This is integral to your hair maintaining health. When your hair is blow-dried the right amount, the hair will shine. When it’s over-dried, it will lose its shine. The good news is, every time you wash your hair, you get a chance to maintain moisture. Start drying at the root and work your way out, finishing at the ends of your hair. Be sure to watch that the shine is still there when you’re done blow drying.

- It is possible to keep hair healthy when using heat--as long as you pay attention to the shine in your hair. When we designed the iron, we paid particular attention to how perfectly the plates line up together. Because the plates line up, it allows for even heat on the hair which enables you to use less pressure as you glide down the hair. Most irons have a gap in the plates which requires you to squeeze the plates together, and in essence, squeeze the moisture out of your hair. We like to think of it more like shaping the curl with the plates only touching your hair, not each other, rather than squeezing the shape into the hair.
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