Over-drying your hair- When you dry your hair properly it will be laying smooth and will maintain its shine. You don’t want to curl or straighten your hair when it is damp though, either:) Some signs that your hair is being overdried are, for example, if you think of a leaf and how it gets brittle. When a leaf is healthy and hydrated, it feels nourished and not brittle. It is shiny and not dull. It happens in much the same way if you think of your scalp as being the stem, the closer to the stem, the more hydrated it is. The ends, or the further from the “stem,” the easier it gets dry and dehydrated. It helps to dry the top half of your hair first so you aren’t over-drying the ends.
Your shampoo and conditioner routine not restoring moisture- Pregame Shampoo and Showoff Conditioner, or the Power Couple, which we like to call it, are sulfate-free and use less surfactants which is more gentle on your hair. Our approach to hydrating your hair is to keep the cuticle layer healthy, which locks in your hair’s moisture and keeps each strand strong.
Using the right type, and right amount of thermal protectant can sometimes help if everything else is good. Upstaged Thermal Protectantprotects hair up to 300C or 572F. It can be applied to damp hair before blow drying or to dry hair before curling. Distribute through your hair and allow to dry before curling or straightening.
Using too high of heat for your hair type- If you have a styling tool with an adjustable temperature setting, use the lowest temp for your hair type which still allows you to get the result you are looking for.
Going too slow while curling- There is a fine line between going too fast or too slow. If you glide down the hair strand too fast, you are going to shock the cuticle and cause frizz, but if you are traveling too slow down the hair strand, you can cause damage by overheating your hair which will remove too much moisture from your hair.
Using too much tension or pressure when you curl- When you use too much tension, or squeeze the iron too tightly, you are causing too much stress on your hair.
- Using an oil before you curl- If you use any oils on your hair, they should be applied after you straighten or curl.
LifeTYME Blog
How to Keep the Moisture in Your Hair When Heat Styling

If you are experiencing a burnt hair smell when heat styling, you are likely pulling too much moisture from your hair. Here are a few causes and some tips on how to prevent that burnt hair smell: