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How to clean your hairbrush and combs at home

Image of a hairbrush, hairdryer, comb and hair bobbles on a fur surface. Taken from Pexels

Skincare, hair care, self-care. What about scalp care? It all starts with your hairbrush.

We know you're all about that flawless hair game, but here's a question for you. When was the last time you gave your hairbrush some TLC? It's easy to overlook, but how to clean your hairbrush is a super important part of maintaining not just your hair, but your overall scalp health, too.

Just imagine that you've gone and stocked up on the best sulfate-free shampoos, your go-to hair masks, and that dreamy conditioner that leaves your locks feeling like silk. Yet, there's one step in your haircare routine that often goes unnoticed: cleaning your hairbrush and combs. Just like your skin, your scalp needs care, and it all starts with the tools you use every day.

Dirty hairbrushes are a breeding ground for oils, dead skin cells, and leftover product residue, which can all transfer back to your hair, making it look dull and lifeless. Yikes! But don’t worry, girlie, we've got your back. Today, we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of how to clean your hairbrush and combs at home. With our easy-to-follow guide, you’ll be able to keep your tools in tip-top shape, making sure that your hair stays healthy, vibrant, and ready to slay all day.


Why cleaning your hairbrush is a MUST

Let's be real, girl—cleaning your hairbrush might not be the first thing on your mind, but it should definitely be a part of your hair care routine. Think about it—every time you brush your hair, you’re not just detangling those locks, clean or not, you're also transferring oils, dead skin cells, and leftover product residue right back onto your strands. Eww, right?

How to clean your hairbrush isn't just about keeping it looking fresh either—it's about maintaining the overall health of your hair and scalp. Dermatologists have pointed out that each time you brush your hair, dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, and oil build up on your brush. If you don't clean it regularly, these unwelcome elements transfer back to your hair with every use—I.E. making it dirty all over again. 


And let's not forget about product buildup. Hairsprays, gels, and other styling products can leave residues that cling to your brush’s bristles, making them less effective over time. This buildup not only makes your brush dirty but can also lead to dull, greasy-looking hair.


But don’t stress, maintaining a clean hairbrush is easier than you think, and we’re here to show you how. Want to give your hairbrush the makeover it deserves? Keep reading, girlie, because your scalp and strands are about to get a whole lot cleaner (and happier).


Gather your materials

Alright, girl, before we jump into the cleaning process, let’s make sure you have everything you need. A clean hairbrush is just a few steps away, but first, gather these essentials:


  1. Combs and/or brushes that need cleaning: Grab all the hair tools you use regularly.
  2. Shampoo: A clarifying shampoo works wonders, but any shampoo will do.
  3. An old toothbrush: Perfect for scrubbing between bristles.
  4. Baking soda (optional): Great for cutting through extra oil and grime.
  5. Alcohol or disinfectant solution: Essential for deep cleaning and disinfecting.


Having these materials on hand will make the cleaning process super simple. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get cleaning!


1) Pull loose hairs out of your brush

Step one—time to tackle those loose hairs. Begin by gently pulling any loose hairs out of your comb and brush by hand. Ideally, this is something you should do after each time you brush your hair, but we do know, that life gets busy, and you might not always remember. If you haven’t done this in a while, it might take a bit longer, but don’t sweat it. Just try to dislodge as many loose hairs as you can before moving on to the next step.


2) Use a comb to pull out hairs

Now that you’ve removed most of the loose hairs, it’s time to get into the dirt and grime. Use the end of a comb (or the pointy end of a makeup brush if you don’t have a comb handy) to remove any additional hairs left behind. Start at the base of the brush and work your way upwards, pulling away hairs as you go. For those cleaning various combs, a fine-tooth comb is ideal for this step as it can remove more hair than a wide-tooth one.


3) Dunk combs and brushes in water

Time for a good soak! Combs are super easy to clean—just let them soak in alcohol or a disinfectant solution. For brushes, it’s a little more *tricky*, but nothing us girls can’t handle. 


Follow these steps:

  1. Fill a clean sink with lukewarm, soapy water.
  2. Add a teaspoon or two of shampoo. Clarifying shampoo works great since it’s designed to remove oily buildup and residue, but any shampoo will work.
  3. Completely submerge your hair tools in the water and let them soak for about 20 to 30 minutes. If you want to cut through any additional oil, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the mix.


Top tip: Be sure to rinse thoroughly, as you don’t want any dried shampoo left on your brushes in addition to residue.


Top tip: Avoid boiling your tools or using bleach, please! High temperatures can break down your brushes and combs, shortening their lifespan significantly. And bleach? Not a good idea. It's tough to rinse out completely, which could leave harmful residues on your tools. The last thing you want is bleach transferring to your hair the next time you brush. Stick to our safe and effective cleaning methods to keep your hair tools—and your hair—looking fit and fab. 


4) Rinse and dry

After soaking, it’s time to rinse and dry your tools. Thoroughly rinse each brush and comb under lukewarm running water to remove all the shampoo and residue. Use the old toothbrush to scrub between the bristles if needed. Shake off excess water and lay your brushes and combs flat on a clean towel to air dry. Make sure they’re completely dry before using them again to avoid any mold or mildew.


Keep them clean, pretty please

So, how often should you clean your hairbrushes and combs? It depends on how often you use hair products. For daily users of hairspray or dry shampoo, aim to clean your tools every one to two weeks. If you use products less frequently, once a month should work—but don’t let it slip under that radar again. Girl, just think of the bacteria!


We’re in our clean-girl era

And there you have it, girl! Keeping your hairbrushes and combs clean is a simple BUT necessary part of your hair care routine. By following these steps, you can make sure that your brushes stay free from buildup, keeping your hair looking its best every day. Clean brushes not only help maintain the health of your hair and scalp but also make your hair products work more effectively.


Remember, just like you wouldn’t skip washing your makeup brushes, your hair tools need the same love and attention. So, make it a habit to give your hairbrushes and combs a regular deep clean. Whether it’s a quick clean every couple of weeks or a more thorough wash once a month, your hair will thank you for it. Why not make it a ‘self-care’ day and do a deep clean of everything? You know those days where you do the house, your makeup brushes, take an *everything* shower and now— your hair tools! You’ll go to bed feeling oh-so complete. We’re sorry, we can’t talk right now, we’re in our clean-girl era. 

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