Read Time: 2 min 57 sec
Let’s face it after you have kids, time moves a lot faster than it did before. In the first few years of motherhood, it can seem like there are never enough hours in a day to do all of the things we need to, just to get home and cook, clean up, organize everything for your little humans’ tomorrow, and you’re lucky if you have enough energy to stay up for some alone time.
It can be a challenge, especially on holidays or special events. How do you find the time to get yourself ready and the rugrats? We’ve found the hairstyles to make those five minutes you get in the bathroom impactful.
We’re talking hair totally ready in five minutes.
FIVE minutes.
Here’s our list of the easiest #trending hairstyles to make you feel like you have your life together, even if your toddler is testing that theory ;)
Fishtail Braid
Fishtail braids are an easy way to secure your hair back and still have an elevated look. Part your hair into two sections. Take a thin section from the outside of one half of your hair and cross it over top to meet the other half. Repeat on each side through the end of your hair and use a thin ponytail holder or clear poly band to secure the end of the braid.
A major key to this hairstyle is that it doesn’t have to be sleek and perfect, it tends to look better a bit messy.
Pro-tip: Teach your little ones how to do this on themselves as a challenging task for them and a little relaxation for you!
The mom cut, but make it fashion. All jokes aside, this cut SAVES TIME. #FACTS: Adding soft curls to your bob is a quick way to put yourself together and have it last days. Grab larger sections of hair with your TYME Iron and create “C” shaped curls.
Don’t over curl! Curling tight or curling your ends will make your bob shrink in length. Once your full head is complete, brush through all of those fresh curls with your hands to create a “lived-in” look.
Pro-tip: Make sure the ends of your hair point down, which means drawing your ends down when you curl. This helps create that “lived-in” look and gives a more natural appearance when your curls eventually start to fall.
Curtain Bangs
For all those mamas that started motherhood with straight bangs, we salute you. Eventually, you might grow those babies out, and styling curtain bangs is a perfect way. The key to styling these bangs is to do it while they’re wet. Lock those little monsters out of the bathroom, grab your round brush and get to work!
Dry your bangs at an upward angle focusing on your roots. After your roots are dry, move down to the center of the bangs and dry/round brush them backward to create the “swag” in the bangs.
Pro-tip: Blow drying your hair after showering instead of letting your hair air dry will not only let your hairstyle last longer, it will make your wash last longer too!
Holidays, Events, and Date Nights?
Getting ready for a formal occasion is no longer stressful. Use these go-to hairstyles that take 5-10 minutes to make your beautification process a breeze.
Low Bun
For an easy - but classy - low bun grab all the hair from the top of your ears and back. Make a looped low bun with the ends of your hair towards the nape of your neck. Grab the excess hair from either side, create a slight twist and wrap over the top of the bun to secure your hair on the underside with a bobby pin. Repeat with the other side off excess hair. Pull some small pieces out to frame your face and give them a slight curl.
Half Up-Do
Half-up ponies will always be fun! Create a part from the tops of your ears to the crown of your head, pull your hair up into a high pony. To get some extra height secure your hair with a thick ponytail. Grab a small piece of hair from the underside of your pony, wrap it around to hide the ponytail, and secure it with a bobby pin.
Toss in some loose curls and some BigTYME Root Lift Powder and you have an amazing look that will last you through tomorrow.
You got this, mama!
For more tips and hair tutorials, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
LifeTYME Blog
5 Hairstyles That Take 5 Minutes for Busy Moms